16 Jul Recovery dharma Sangha Summit 7.31 – 8.02
Recovery Dharma is a Buddhist recovery system offered at The 4th Dimension. The Recovery Dharma Sangha Summit is a yearly convention that allows all recovery dharma meetings and meeting attendees to stay up to date on the current teachings and meeting procedures. There will be several very good speakers from all around the world. This is a chance to attend something you may not have the opportunity to usually as it will be virtual this year. Anyone interested in a Buddhist Recovery path should attend to meet others who are interested in the same path. Issues that will be discussed include how to improve your meditation practice, process addictions, LGBTQIA issues, and working with despair. Of particular interest will be the discussion on mentorship/wise friends/ peer support guides, what is commonly called sponsorship in traditional recovery groups. This will discuss how to go through the Recovery Dharma program with a wise friend using the 4 Noble Truths and the 8 Fold path as the basis. The 8 Fold path consists of three main groupings Wisdom, Morality and Mind Training. One of the biggest differences between Dharma Recovery and traditional recovery systems is the emphasis on Mind training. Meditation is a crucial skill much needed by anyone in recovery. Often in the beginning we need wise friends to hold us accountable to start and maintain a meditation practice. This Summit will be an excellent place to learn more.
Please join us for the first–ever Recovery Dharma Conference this summer, held entirely online! Build and deepen your practice, learn more about Recovery Dharma, get involved, and be prepared for tons of fun and community!
July 31–August 2, 2020
Friday, July 31: 8:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m. ET
Saturday, August 1: 10:00 a.m.–11:-00 p.m. ET
Sunday, August 2: 10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. ET
(other time options for alternate time zones are possible)
Registration is on a sliding scale from $0.00 to $50.00 – donate what you can to help cover the costs of the conference; any additional funds will go to supporting the nonprofit organization.
No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Agenda Details:
? The full agenda is now available! (But it is subject to last minute changes.)